9-12 Mathematics Curriculum
Currently, our students use the Reveal Mathematics program from McGraw Hill for core mathematics courses in grades 9-12.
"The principles of Reveal Math® derive from the latest research on how students learn best—through productive struggle, rich tasks, and mathematical discourse. Reveal Math is a high school math curriculum that empowers educators to uncover the mathematician in every high school student through powerful explorations, rich technology, and timely and insightful differentiation opportunities. The unique approach of Reveal Math ensures students don’t just meet the standards, they master them."
In conjunction with Reveal Mathematics, Warwick utilizes ALEKS, or Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces. ALEKS is an adaptive learning program used in grades K - college that is research-based and helps educators and parents understand each individual student's knowledge and learning progress in depth while providing an individualized learning path with support to help every student achieve mastery. If you are interested in the research behind Knowledge Space Theory and ALEKS, you can read more information here.
Units of study are linked below. Please note that not all units are taught in sequence, based on the needs of students and the scope and sequence.