Elementary Mission Statement
The mission of the Elementary Library Media program is to ensure that all students, staff, and school community become literate, life-long learners and effective, ethical users of ideas and information.
This mission is accomplished by:
Providing access to a diverse range of print and nonprint resources to enrich the learning experience for personal growth and independent learning
Providing instruction to effectively, safely and responsibly use technology and digital media for problem solving and computer science concepts
Providing instruction to foster competence through locating, evaluating, and utilizing informational and fictional text and by stimulating interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas
Secondary Mission Statement
The mission of the library media program at Warwick Public Schools is to ensure that all students, staff and the school community become critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers and ethical users of information. This is accomplished through:
Providing intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats.
Teaching information literacy skills, which is the ability to find and use information ethically, and is the keystone of lifelong learning.
Instruction in media literacy and Internet safety, which is the ability to understand and utilize technology ethically, safely, and effectively, and is an essential component to being a productive 21st century citizen
Working with other educators to design learning strategies which will meet the needs of individual students.