Tier 1

What does Tier 1 support mean?
An effective and efficient MTSS structure means 80% of all students are meeting success and reaching learning targets. When less than 80% of students are not meeting with success, the focus should shift to tier 1 instruction and supports.
A school with too many students not meeting with success overwhelms the resources and supports at the tier 2 and 3 levels. Schools can not intervene their way out of a tier 1 issue.
Tier 1 consists of high quality curriculum and evidenced-based instructional practices. Teachers use differentiated instruction to ensure that the needs of all learners are being met. The use of culturally responsive pedagogy ensures that all students feel valued and seen for their unique cultural strengths.
Behavioral/Social Emotional, tier 1 focuses on prevention for all students. Essential to tier 1 is the attention to safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments. The use of culturally responsive pedagogy emphasizes that relationships are equally as important as curriculum. Teachers who get to know and understand their students in and out of school, will establish the learning partnership needed for students success.
Systems at tier 1 support the adults in the building. Systems allow the space and time for educators to collaborate and respond to data. Systems also include creating clearly identified thresholds and an agreed understanding of behaviors that are managed within a classroom. An example of a system at the tier 1 level, would include teams that looks at school-wide data such as your School Improvement Team, Leadership Team (ILT), Content Team, and Grade-Level Team. It is important these teams have a regular meeting routine, schedule and structure. Teams use data to monitor progress toward school improvement goals. This team oversees the implementation of evidence-based practices using a continuous improvement cycle.